Would it be okay to put these Chanel Christmas ornaments on my Christmas wish-list?
Every year since I was very little, we've always had a Christmas tree which my sister and I would decorate with baubles and dangly things we've accumulated and collected over the years. It would be a mid to late November tradition and we'd always have more fun in concept because building a Christmas tree is no simple business (as fellow Christmas tree builders might know) and before you know it, all that's missing are a big pile of boxy presents which we patiently wait for on Christmas Eve.
However, unlike every other year, I've just recently learnt that my mum threw out our Christmas tree as I recently moved (a year ago) into my own place which is a lot smaller and admittedly I'm sure that a 2.9m Christmas tree will go very nicely with my high ornate ceilings but might simultaneously eat up all the space available in my living room. Instead of watching television, I think I might find myself watching the tree. Lucky me.
In a celebratory manner, I think that it only seems like a slight blessing in disguise that for once I get to decorate my own tree, my own way to suit me and my interiors. I've been looking for some chic XMAS inspiration which connotes a polished and stylish appeal. Something cheap and chic and ultimately, very 'me'. An affordable tree is first on my to-buy list followed by some beautiful embellishments to jazz it up a little bit...or a lot, depending on my mood which is usually unpredictable and at times, spontaneous.
Silver themes may appear a little frosty (no pun intended) whereas gold looks a bit more regal, proper and conservative, multi-coloured trees can look a little over the top and out of place (or at least, a good idea at the time) whereas red, gold and green can seem to be a piece shot out straight from Santa's Workshop. This year, I'm sensing intricate snowflakes, Hallmark glass baubles, and layers of clear crystal beads and absolutely NO TINSEL or GLITTER as, from experience, tinsel usually equals post-Christmas mess and glitter equals tackiness. Sigh.
Still, there's a lot of thinking to do, a lot of inspiring to consider and a lot of pizzazz to execute. And there's seriously nothing stopping me from calling St Nick himself for a different opinion...and definitely Karl Lagerfeld for the last word.

Christmas dilemmas would be solved if only this Dior by John Galliano Christmas tree fit through my front door...
if you find yourself with extra Chanel ornaments feel free to spread the cheer. I have been bit by the holiday spirit glad to hear others r 2.